Can TMJ cause dizziness?

Dr. Cheyn Gunnerson

When an individual is experiencing TMJ issues, the body's natural response is to move away from the area of irritation. The body can’t move away from the joint but instead individuals will tilt their head or rotate the head slightly to one side or forward. The subtle change in position puts an individual off balance and creates potential dizziness.

TMJ disorders are caused by multiple factors. Often they are a result of trauma, such as being hit or bumped in the face, causing the jaw to fall out of alignment and the disc to become displaced. TMJ can also be caused by improper use of the facial muscles used for swallowing and chewing. This often starts as early as infancy as a result of a tongue tie or similar palate issue. Disorders of this type can be treated with Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy in childhood.

How is TMJ caused?

Orofacial Myofunctional therapy specifically targets the facial and throat muscles through physical conditioning. Oral issues such as: a small palate, teeth crowding, and sleep apnea can be a result of improper use of the facial muscles. These problems often begin in childhood as a result of tongue ties or similar palate issues. Therapy is performed by a clinical assistant or dental hygienist who specialize and are trained in Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy.

What is Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy?

TMJ disorders can be treated aggressively through surgery or can be treated in a more non-invasive method by decompressing the joint space for a period of time. This is accomplished through the use of medical orthotics custom made to your individual condition.  At TMJ & Sleep Therapy of Utah we recommend a less invasive option before resorting to surgery. By using tools such as custom orthotics, cold laser therapy, orofacial myofunctional therapy, and consistent examinations TMJ & Sleep Therapy of Utah is well equipped to help individuals treat their TMJ issues.

How is TMJ treated?

The body's natural response to pain is to move away from what is causing the irritation. This is all done on a subconscious level. When we have inflammation in the joint or pain, the subconscious will tilt your head forward putting more pressure on your neck and shoulders. The pressure frequently leads to irritation of the nerves that run through the areas of the neck.

Can TMJ cause neck and shoulder pain?

Our team is dedicated to helping patients find ways to address a range of dental issues, including temporomandibular joint disorder. If you live in or around the area of Payson, Utah and are considering the benefits of working with a TMJ therapy dentist, call TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Utah today at

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